Submission Guidelines

Guidelines for All Music Submissions
| Guidelines for Digital Submissions

CILU receives hundreds of hard copy and digital releases every week. The following guideline make it easier for our station to get your music to our volunteer programmers for their consideration. Incomplete submissions are rarely considered.

Guidelines for All Music Submissions

Our preference is full albums over singles (unless there is unreleased material on the singles). We accept both hard copy and digital.

All music submissions must contain the following information in a one sheet or document:

  • Genre – tell us what type of music. If you play roots country, say ‘roots country’.
  • Can Con –  indicate if your music qualifies as Can Con. To qualify as Canadian content, a musical selection must generally fulfill at least two of the following conditions:
    • M (music): the music is composed entirely by a Canadian
    • A (artist): the music is, or the lyrics are, performed principally by a Canadian
    • P (performance): the musical selection consists of a live performance that is
      • recorded wholly in Canada, or
      • performed wholly in Canada and broadcast live in Canada
    • L (lyrics): the lyrics are written entirely by a Canadian
  • Profanity – tell us where the swears are, or what songs to avoid.
  • Tracks To Start With – give us your favourite  (clean) tracks so we know what to try first.
  • Recommended If You Like (RIYL) – give us a notable reference to what your music sounds like or is inspired by. This will help us direct your album to the right programmer.
  • Contact Information – Your current Website/Facebook page addresses. If we are playing your music, we will want to find out more about you so we can talk about you on the air.

All of this helps us get your music onto the air more quickly!

Feel free to take a look at our schedule. If you find a show or two that you think would be a fit for your music, let us know!

CILU Accepts CD and Vinyl, No Cassettes please!

Our mailing address is:

955 Oliver Rd.
Thunder Bay, ON
P7B 5E1

Guidelines for Digital Submissions

CILU accepts digital releases. However, the digital contents must be high quality. We accept MP3’s of bit rate 192kbps or higher, FLAC or WAV files.

Please tag your files properly. All files should have the Artist, Track Number, Title, Album and Year.

Use a program that allows you to .zip your files or allows us to download them as a .zip or .rar file (Dropbox, Google Drive, Hightail or WeTransfer for example).

We receive hundreds of digital releases every week. We may not have time to download each track individually and create folders. For this reason, if you submit your tracks individually, your music may not be played on our station.

All digital submissions can be emailed to: